Telegram Bot and Mini-app 101
What are Telegram Bots?
Telegram bots are special accounts that do not require an additional phone number to set up. They are programmed to perform specific tasks. Users can interact with these bots by sending them messages, commands, and inline requests.
What are Mini-apps?
Mini-apps are lightweight applications that run within a larger app. In the context of Telegram, mini-apps are small applications that can be launched and run within a chat or channel without the need to install them separately. They are designed to provide specific functionalities, such as booking tickets, conducting polls, or making payments.
How do Telegram Bots Launch Mini-apps?
Bot Commands: Users can trigger a mini-app by sending a specific command to the bot.
Inline Buttons: Bots can send messages that contain inline buttons. When a user taps on one of these buttons, it can launch a mini-app.
Deep Linking: Bots can use deep linking to open a mini-app with specific parameters. This is useful for providing personalized experiences.
Links & References
Telegram Wallet
Set Telegram Language
Last updated